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«Аввалон-Ло Скарабео» является официальным представителем издательств «LO SCARABEO» (Италия) и «U.S.GAMES SYSTEMS» (США).
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Аркан Влюбленные / The lovers
Производитель: US Games Systems, Inc., USA
Комплектация:6 магнитов
Размеры:4,75 х 4,0625 х 0,0625
Артикул: НМВЛ
A perfect gift for Valentine's Day!
The Lovers (Tarot Magnets)
U.S. Games Systems has selected some of the most beautiful Lovers cards from your favorite tarot decks, both classic and contemporary, to present this special collection of six Tarot Magnets. Measuring 1.25” X 2.25” these colorful magnets are perfect for posting on your refrigerator or file cabinet to inspire you throughout the day. Collect all six different sets: Lovers, Fool, Wheel of Fortune, Strength, Magician, and The Moon.
The Lovers Magnet set includes:
Crystal Visions Tarot by Jennifer Galasso
Aquarian Tarot by David Palladini
Universal Waite® Tarot by Pamela Colman Smith, recolored by Mary Hanson-Roberts
Feng Shui Tarot by Peter Paul Connolly and Eileen Connolly
Medieval Tarot Cat Tarot by Lawrence Teng and Gina Pace
Old English Tarot by Maggie Kneen